Final College Assembly for 2024
It was an emotional final assembly for the school year as the Trinity community bid farewell to two figures who have made an incredible impact on the students at the College.
Our Parish Priest, Father Michael, and Sacred Heart Principal, Mr Jack Leneghan, have played an important part in the lives of so many Trinity students over the past two decades and their absence will be keenly felt in the Catholic community.
Mr Leneghan spoke to the gathered students about a momentous decision to remain as Principal of Sacred Heart for 23 years that he does not regret as he enters into retirement. Father Michael then talked about the wonderful relationships that he has enjoyed during his 16 years as Trinity’s spiritual leader.
We were also privileged to welcome two very special guests from our sister school, MAN 11 in South Jakarta. Bapak Indra Cahya Firdaus and Ibu Nurjannah Nurjannah are visiting from Indonesia and will be engaging in a variety of classes to share their language and culture with Trinity students and engaging in pedagogical discussions with our Trinity staff.
The assembly was also the perfect opportunity for Colac police officers to talk to the gathered students about new laws surrounding the use of electric bikes and scooters. Senior Constable Stephanie Ward from Victoria Police implored students to be safe during the up-coming summer holidays by looking after each other and doing the right thing.
Mrs Kelly Kerr then presented the Muso of the Month award for August to Ben and for October to Indee, and praised the commitment of all Trinity musicians for providing a fantastic service of the arts to their community.
Our Director of Wellbeing, Mrs Natalie Holt, provided an update on the Trinity College uniform, providing visuals on the new design for the Sport polo and rugby jumper. The new style evolved through discussion with the Student Representative Council and will roll out over the next three years. You can find more about the updates here .
The special event wound up with musical entertainment provided by The Elliminations, who played at the sensational Trinity Gala Night last Friday night.