Trinity offers a Bursary to assist families with the costs of their student fees. More information can be found here.
The College is well aware of the financial pressures on our families and seeks to keep a Trinity education affordable while delivering excellence in education. Current fees can be downloaded here.
As an inclusive community, Trinity College welcomes families and children from other denominations and finds great solidarity in sharing Christian values while holding true to our distinctively Catholic ethos. Students are expected to participate fully in the life of the College, including liturgies, retreats and community service.
Yes, our students study Religious Education up to Year 12. The focus of Religious Education studies at Trinity is to foster in students these four aspects of human life:
- awareness of self,
- awareness of others,
- awareness of the world, and
- awareness of the faith community.
Fostering strong relationships with our families enriches our student wellbeing and achievement and keeps us informed of issues relevant to the young people who share their time between school and home.
Parents who participate in information evenings, keep up to date with College news and correspondence and attend events show their children they are interested and engaged in their success.
Occasionally the College will seek assistance with events and activities and this is a great way for parents to be involved and be an active part of the community. Keep an eye out in the College communications for information about these opportunities.
There are 25 students in a junior class with VCE and Elective classes often being much smaller. The teacher to student ratio in the College is one teacher to 12 students.
Co-curricular and club activities can vary depending on the interests of the cohort and the student community. Further information can be found here.
At Trinity, our exciting STRETCH (Striving To Reach Excellence Through Challenge) program provides selected students with opportunities to extend their learning. More information can be found here.
At Trinity we recognise that every student learns differently and we are committed to providing all students with the opportunity to achieve their personal excellence. Find out more about our Learning Diversity here.
The College provides laptops or devices to every student that attracts an ICT levy that is outlined in the College fees. The 1:1 program provides security and equity with every student in that cohort possessing the same device with the same software and facilitates easier maintenance with the College's Help Desk.
Indonesian is offered from Year 7.
At Trinity, we are passionate about Sport at all levels and across all kinds of activities. Information about the Trinity sport offerings is available here.
The College has a culture of high expectations with stringent policies around bullying and student behaviour. Our Student, Staff and Family Code of Conduct clearly outlines the rights and responsibilities of our community. Find out more here.
Trinity College is a school of choice for many families in our Colac-Otway region and there are multiple options available for travelling to school. Closer to home, walking, cycling, the town bus and Mum and Dad’s taxi are easy solutions, but there are plenty of transport options for our students who are further afield. You can find out more here.
Trinity offers a selection of Rotational Electives in Year 7 and the following year students can personalise their learning by selecting a range of semester-long elective subjects. In Year 9 students continue to nurture their talents and interests with a number of Elective subjects across the learning areas.

There is information about the senior years curriculum here.
At Trinity, we understand that some children are transferring from a small school or just feeling anxious about starting at a new school that seems large and confusing.
We take the time to ensure our new recruits are feeling welcome and comfortable at Trinity before they even start. We highly recommend that Year 5 and 6 students attend our Open Day event or come along for a private tour to get to know the school a little better.
We also host a friendly and relaxed welcome barbecue at the end of Year 6 that goes a long way to soothe any concerns and students even begin to make new friends.
Orientation Day is held in early December that involves fun and get-to-know-you activities.
The Year 7 camp takes place in Week 2 and this is a very powerful and effective way for the young ones to build positive relationships that will stay with them over the next six years.
And not only that, our Year 7 Transition Coordinator spends quality time with our new students to make sure they are settling into the new environment and making friends. Along with the comfort of their Homeroom with a friendly Mentor teacher, our Year 7 students find their feet very quickly.