Trinity College Colac is much more than a school

It is a community in which generations of local people have made a difference. Our heritage dates back to 1888 when the Sisters of Mercy opened St Joseph’s College on Calvert Street in Colac, which was formally amalgamated with the Christian Brothers’ school on our current Trinity campus in 1983.

We consider ourselves blessed to have the charism of two inspirational founders incorporated in our values – both innovative and compassionate educators whose courage and faith has changed the lives of thousands of people around the globe for more than two hundred years. Faith, service, innovation and community have remained at the core of a Trinity education and we continue to offer opportunities for our students to excel academically, socially and spiritually and make a difference in the world.

As a Catholic school, Trinity College is inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ and Gospel Values are at the heart of everything we do. Love, patience, kindness, tolerance and compassion are attributes that we wish for our children to model no matter what religion they do or do not choose to align with. At Trinity, we believe Gospel Values inspire a life of purpose and service, where we put others before ourselves and make decisions based on what is right and good. Our students have the ability to positively influence their own lives and the world around them and they are empowered to find their own individual strengths and passions on their journey of discovery to personal excellence through academic, sport and co-Curricular pursuits.

At Trinity, our students are prepared for a future as leaders, employers and employees, parents, partners and global citizens who will be agents of change and make a difference in our world.

All schools seek to meet the curriculum requirements, offer diverse activities and produce the smartest graduates. What I urge parents to look for when they are exploring secondary school options for their children is the point of difference that will produce more than academic results or certificates. A happy, socially confident, resilient and accountable young adult will be placed in the best possible position for their future. As adults, we know that life will sometimes be tough and decisions will have to be made that require more than Maths and English to work through. We know that there will likely be trying times – but also so much adventure, joy and beautiful memories. And when our children learn to put others first, that’s when they will discover true happiness. As parents and carers, we know this, and at our school, as education professionals and Catholics, we know that is the Trinity difference.

That is not to say that we don’t seek to prepare our graduates for the contemporary world with 21st century learning and higher order critical thinking that assists our students to achieve the best academically and in the workplace. Education plays a pivotal role in preparing our young people for a world of rapid change and increasing global challenges. At Trinity, our students are prepared for a future as leaders, employers and employees, parents, partners and global citizens who will be agents of change and make a difference in our world.

Welcome to the Trinity difference!

Mr Paul Clohesy